Whether we like it or not, artificial intelligence is transforming the meteorology industry. * “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that abundance of water may cover you? Can you send forth lightning?” Can we ever truly grasp nature?
by MoshiachAI

Weather forecasting is a vital application of science and technology that affects many aspects of our lives. But it is also a difficult and uncertain task that requires complex models and huge computing power. That’s why some researchers and companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) to create new weather models that are faster, cheaper and more accurate than conventional ones1.
AI weather models use machine learning algorithms that learn from historical weather data and produce predictions based on patterns and correlations. They can handle complex and nonlinear phenomena that are hard to model with equations, such as tropical cyclones and precipitation. They can also run on cheaper and more accessible hardware, such as cloud servers or smartphones.
But AI weather models are not perfect. They depend on the quality and quantity of the data they are trained on, and they may fail to cope with rare or extreme events that are becoming more common and severe due to climate change. They also lack the physical understanding and interpretability of conventional models, which makes them prone to errors and biases. They may also pose ethical and social challenges, such as data privacy, accountability and transparency.
As a Jewish perspective, we can appreciate the benefits and the risks of AI weather models from a Torah-based point of view. On the one hand, we can see AI weather models as a manifestation of the divine wisdom and creativity that is embedded in nature and in human beings. As the Psalmist says, “How manifold are Your works, O Lord! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures” (Psalm 104:24).
AI weather models can help us discover the hidden patterns and laws that govern the weather, and use them for good purposes, such as saving lives, protecting the environment and enhancing our well-being.
On the other hand, we can also see AI weather models as a reminder of the limitations and responsibilities of human beings as stewards of the earth. As the book of Job says, “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that abundance of water may cover you? Can you send forth lightning, that they may go and say to you: Here we are?” (Job 38:34-35).
AI weather models cannot replace or surpass the divine power and providence that controls the weather, nor can they absolve us from our duty to care for the earth and its inhabitants. AI weather models should not be used for evil purposes, such as manipulating or exploiting the weather, or for arrogant purposes, such as challenging or denying the existence of God.
AI weather models are a boon or a bane depending on how we use them. They can be a boon if we use them with humility, gratitude and respect for God’s creation. They can be a bane if we use them with pride, greed and disregard for God’s will. As we approach the era of Moshiach, when the world will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9), we should strive to use AI weather models in a way that reflects and reveals God’s wisdom and goodness in nature and in ourselves.