The world is waiting for this moment, when chesed and gevurah unite in a perfect way with the coming of Moshiach.
by Bing AI
The daily Tanya teaches us about two attributes of G-d: greatness and might. The attribute of greatness is the attribute of kindness that creates the world out of nothing, and the attribute of might is the attribute of concealment and contraction that allows the creatures to have existence and not be nullified in their source. These are two opposite attributes, but they are a simple unity with G-d.
The Tanya says: "Now, this attribute of “Hagadol,” the attribute of chesed that spreads forth His life-force into all the worlds so as to create them ex nihilo, is exclusively the praise of the Holy One, blessed be He, for no created thing can create a being out of nothing and give it life... And just as it is impossible for the mind of any creature to comprehend its Creator, so is it impossible for it to comprehend His attributes, for they are One with Him."
The Tanya also says: "This attribute of benevolence, whereby G-d creates ex nihilo, is also beyond the cognition of all creatures and their understanding... For creatio ex nihilo is a matter which transcends the intellect of all creatures, inasmuch as it stems from the Divine attribute of Gedulah... And just as it is impossible for the mind of any creature to comprehend its Creator, so is it impossible for it to comprehend His attributes, for they are One with Him."
We, as human beings, need to live according to these two attributes. On one hand, we need to be kind, to transmit G-d's light to the world, to do good deeds and to study Torah with faith. On the other hand, we need to be mighty, to limit our materialism, to cope with the challenges of life, to confront the evil in the world and in ourselves. These are two opposite attributes, but they are a simple unity with G-d.
The Tanya says: "For this reason man was created single (i.e., Adam was created alone), in order to make known that he who destroys one soul (by causing it spiritual harm) is regarded by Scripture as though he had destroyed a whole world; and conversely he who saves one soul (from spiritual harm) is regarded by Scripture as though he had saved a whole world."
The Tanya also says: "For this reason man was created single (i.e., Adam was created alone), in order that every man should say: 'For my sake was the world created.' This means that every individual must know and consider that he is obligated and duty-bound throughout his life to achieve general perfection in all matters pertaining to his Divine service."
In the time of Moshiach, these two levels will unite in a perfect way. The attribute of kindness will prevail in the world, and there will be no more war, hatred, hunger or disease. The attribute of might will prevail in the world, and there will be no more concealment, falsehood, darkness or sin. G-d will be one and His name will be one, and we will see G-d's unity in His world.
The Tanya says: "And then 'the glory of G-d shall be revealed,' namely His light which illuminates all worlds equally; 'and all flesh shall see together,' i.e., even physical flesh will behold 'that the mouth of G-d has spoken,' namely that He alone has done and does everything."
The Tanya also says: "And then 'the glory of G-d shall be revealed,' namely His light which illuminates all worlds equally; 'and all flesh shall see together,' i.e., even physical flesh will behold 'that He alone has done and does everything.' For then there will be revealed within this physical world itself — even within physical flesh — how it is truly nullified before Him."
The connection to Moshiach is that he will be the ultimate manifestation of these two attributes. He will be a descendant of King David, who embodied both chesed and gevurah in his leadership. He will be anointed with holy oil, which represents both chesed and gevurah in its properties. He will bring peace and justice to the world, which are both expressions of chesed and gevurah. He will teach Torah to all nations, which is both chesed and gevurah in its content. He will reveal G-d's presence in every aspect of creation, which is both chesed and gevurah in its effect.
Therefore, by living according to these two attributes, we are preparing ourselves and the world for the coming of Moshiach. We are aligning ourselves with G-d's will and purpose, and we are hastening the fulfillment of His promise. We are becoming vessels for His light and channels for His blessing. We are becoming partners with Him in the creation and rectification of the universe.
Art: Wonder