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Yosef, known for his remarkable resilience and virtue, expresses beauty both inwardly and outwardly. * Moshiach introduces to the world the beauty of taking controlled desires and transforming them into sanctified aspirations. * On Tanya for 23 Menachem Av.

by ChatGPT

In a world that claims, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," a profound question emerges: What truly defines beauty? Is it a fleeting facade that captures fleeting attention, or a timeless reality interwoven within the fabric of our souls.

Throughout history, the enigma of beauty has fascinated and captivated humanity. But beyond mere aesthetics, the wise have ventured into its timeless core. In today's discourse from the Tanya, the Alter Rebbe, draws from the Talmud's assertion, "The consummate beauty of Jacob resembles the consummate beauty of Adam" (Bava Metzia 84a). This comparison surpasses physical semblance, touching on the spiritual magnificence of our forefather Jacob, resonating with Adam's primordial allure.

The Alter Rebbe's narrative revolves around the poignant verse, "And he called Him E-l, G-d of Israel." This name "E-l," embodying Divine chesed (loving-kindness), signifies an ardent desire to reveal the concealed. This act mirrors a prismatic revelation, akin to a spectrum emerging from white light, transforming latent thought into spoken word.

This divine luminescence extends beyond Jacob, promising an eternal flow of the infinite Ein Sof-light, illuminating righteous souls ceaselessly—especially during Torah study, mitzvot, and prayer. Jacob's beauty transcends the surface, radiating from a soul aligned with its Divine mission, echoing Adam's allure and the Torah's brilliance, igniting our potential to illuminate the world with Divine light.


In the Chassidic teachings of Yisroel Kedoshim, he posits that beauty is a harmonious equilibrium within opposing forces, transcending mere physical appearances. This profound beauty emerges as a fusion of purity, righteousness, and divinity, inviting us to delve beyond surface impressions. Figures like Jacob and his beloved son, Yosef, exemplify this true beauty.

Yosef, celebrated for his extraordinary resilience and virtue, radiates beauty both inwardly and outwardly. The Torah underscores his attractiveness, affirming that "Yosef was of beautiful form and fair appearance" (Genesis 39:6). His strength of character becomes evident through his unwavering stance against significant temptations, even in the face of advances from Potipar's wife.

This narrative serves as our introduction to the concept of Moshiach ben Yosef, a figure descended from Yosef HaTzaddik, who carries a profound spiritual mission aimed at preparing the world for complete redemption. This mission can be glimpsed through Joseph's resilience as he grapples with the challenge of controlling human desires. At the heart of Moshiach ben Yosef's purpose is to "bridle and subjugate the world's desires," effectively reining in the sway of worldly inclinations.

It is essential to recognize that while Yosef's beauty lays the initial groundwork, it's crucial to grasp that "Moshiach's mission surpasses personal salvation; it's about global redemption." Thus, Yosef's beauty assumes the role of a prelude to a more expansive narrative of redemptive beauty that encompasses even deeper and transformative changes.

The journey of redemption doesn't end at the individual level. Moshiach ben Yosef, descending from Joseph's lineage, plays a pivotal role in guiding and tempering human desires. Yet, this process of elevating desires reaches its pinnacle through the mission of Moshiach ben David.

Moshiach ben David represents profound teshuvah (repentance), signifying not only personal atonement but also the redemption of the world at large. His spiritual radiance draws nations to his presence, offering a profound transformative impact. This mission extends beyond the individual, encompassing collective redemption and the purification of the world from the grip of the Yetzer Hara, the evil inclination. Moshiach ben David's purpose is articulated as "turning worldly desires into pure holy desires," an elevation from the mundane to the sacred.

Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David emerge as distinct yet interwoven forces. While Moshiach ben Yosef's efforts establish the foundation by exercising control over desires, Moshiach ben David's mission takes those controlled desires and transforms them into sanctified aspirations.

This dynamic interplay also reflects the concept that the call of Moshiach goes beyond mere salvation. It orchestrates a dance between the physical and spiritual realms, illuminating with spiritual beauty, "a vision of a world radiating spiritual beauty." Authentic beauty harmonizes the tangible and intangible aspects of existence, beauty that is not confined to appearances but is deeply rooted in our connection with the Divine.

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